Social Security Representation
We offer a range of a social security representative services to meet your needs

Social Security Disability Representation
Over fifteen years in document filing, court representation, and appeals process follow up.
- Work with disabled individuals and/or family on filing the necessary documentation within the Social Security Administration. Follow up on all medical and mental health providers to ensure medical record submission and best representation is provided. Reach out to SSA/DDS staff for additional support and follow up.
- When an SSA claim is initially denied, provide a reconsideration appeal within the SSA office. When that is denied, provide appeal with an Administrative Law Judge to ensure a successful claim process.
World Trade Center Victim Compensation Fund Representation
Work with individuals who lived, worked, and provided recovery work at the World Trade Center to file claims, provide needed follow up, and needed paperwork.

Choose Living Well NYC.
SSA Frequently Asked Questions
What is a criteria for SSD benefits eligibility?
To be deemed eligible for SSD benefits:
- Your medical condition(s) must result in limitations that impact your ability to perform work-related functions.
- Your limitations must inhibit you from being able to perform your past jobs or other jobs in the economy as evaluated under Social Security’s rules.
- The limitations from your condition(s) must last for at least a year.
- You must have a qualifying work history where Social Security taxes were paid.
An individual who does not have a qualifying work history may still be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) if income restrictions are met.
What is a disability claim?
A disability claim is a request for financial support made by individuals who, due to a medical condition, are unable to work. While the government does offer Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, securing disability benefits requires navigating a maze of documentation and scrutiny.
How do I file for Social Security Disability benefits?
When you have decided to file for SSD benefits, you have three options for applying.
You can apply by scheduling an appointment at your Social Security local district office, you can file online or you can arrange an appointment at our office to begin the process of applying under our guidance.
What is the SSD benefits application process?
In an application for SSD benefits, you will be asked to provide basic information about yourself and your work history and you will be asked to generally describe your medical problems.
Social Security will want to know the names and addresses of doctors you have seen and hospitals where you have been treated. You’ll also be asked to sign the medical releases, so Social Security can contact medical providers and obtain records.
As part of the application process, you may also be asked occasionally to complete various forms in which you are asked questions about your medical symptoms’ effect on your daily life activities.
What is the filing process?
- Initial Application: Comprising submission of medical records, employment history, and relevant personal details.
- Claim Review: Social Security Administration examines the validity of your claim based on medical evidence and employment history.
- Decision: Upon completion of the review, a decision is made. If successful, you start receiving benefits. If not, there’s the option to appeal.
What to bring for the first appointment?
Please bring the following items:
- Your original Social Security Administration (SSA) card.
- A list or business cards of all the doctors you have seen in the past year, as well as the hospitals you have visited.
- A list of the medications you are currently taking.
- A record of your employment for the last 15 years. If you have had multiple jobs, please bring your resume or your union history if you have been working through a union.
- Your SSA login information, including your username and password, if you have created an account.
- Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) case numbers for all your cases and any pension information, if applicable.
Thank you!
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